Are You Doing the Basics?

In my coaching I hear a lot of comments like, “I just don’t know why I can’t get to where I want to be.”  That is when I begin to start asking a few basic questions about the things they are doing to improve their situation. In most cases I discover and demonstrate that the client is actually DOING very little to achieve what they are wanting. Take the following scenario. A client is not feeling good emotionally, physically, or spiritually. They don’t feel good about how their body looks or feels and overall, just not very happy.   I ask a few basic questions regarding his/her current course of action to achieve their desired state of being.  I would ask the following questions, Are you getting enough sleep? Are you exercising at least 3 times per week? What is your diet like? Are you listening to spiritual or faith based podcasts, Pastor sermons, attending church/making confessions etc. regularly? Nine times out of ten the response I get to all of these questions is “No” or “I did for a while but not really now.” That tells me a lot right there! Now, if I ask these questions and they say “Yes” to all of them but are still consistently feeling emotionally upset, spiritually empty and/or upset about their physical appearance, that is an indication that something deeper is going on. Either way by answering these questions, it gives you a place to start. If you are someone right now not feeling well in any or all of these areas, I encourage you to ask yourself the questions stated above. If you answer “No” to any of them, that is where you will start to make a plan.  The fact is, the majority of the time people simply are not doing basic daily activities which fosters a healthy well-being. If you answered “No” to any of these questions, the next best question to ask yourself is, “Why am I not doing these things?” This will reveal a lot of excuses. That might sound harsh to say but it is true. Things like, I don’t have the time, or the money are common responses. Here is the thing, we find the time and the money for the things we really want, like Netflix. We find money to pay for it and find time to watch it. With that being the case, you need to analyze how much you actually want to attain a healthy state of well-being. When you make up your mind, visualize and commit to being your best self, you will get the motivation needed to start doing these basic daily things to improve your state of well-being. The good news is, if you end up saying, I just can’t find the time then, BE HAPPY WITH THAT REALIZATION and be content with your current state of being. Either way with this approach you will answer the questions. “Why am I just not where I want to be.” And either take steps to get where you want to be or resolve to be happy where you are.


Relationship with Food
