Fixed or Growth…That is the Question
Have you ever wondered why some people can grow, change, and adapt so quickly while others are so set in their way, hate change, and seem to be stuck. I come across people of all kinds, and I have discovered it really comes down to one mindset. Does the individual have a fixed or growth mindset? Here is a scenario for you to consider which mindset you hold most often. You are trying to accomplish a goal that you set for yourself, but you are really struggling with making progress for one reason or another. Do you A, get frustrated, question why you wanted to accomplish such and such in the first place and then decide to walk away and do something easier. Or B, do you keep saying to yourself it’s okay, I will get this, and I can do this and decide to try a different approach after discussing your challenges with a friend who has already accomplished what you want. The first thought process of giving up and moving on to something more doable is the fixed mindset. If a person has a fixed mindset, it often leads to stagnation, frustration, and complacency. Characteristics of someone with a fixed mindset are easily frustrated when challenged, dislikes admitting they are struggling, and does not accept feedback well. The growth mindset is, of course the opposite of the fixed mindset. It really is the “can do” attitude. Characteristics of growth mindset people is a believe that progress takes time and embraces the challenge as if a game to conquer. Growth mindset people like feedback from others and believes they can do what they have set out to do. Fixed mindset people read a blog like this, and often reject the fact they are fixed in their thinking while growth mindset people really question which one, they are as they know there is always room for improvement. To make progress with anything in life acquiring a growth mindset is the key to endurance and resilience. I encourage you to take a look at the things you have been struggling to accomplish. Honestly answer to yourself, which mindset are am I? Answering this could be the key to opening the door to your success.