Quiet Time

A fresh new year has started. Doesn’t it feel great? I hope you are among those excited to let go of past mistakes and step into new possibilities. However, if you are struggling to feel excited about this new year or even worse, you are dreading the thought of it, perhaps I can offer a word of encouragement. I coach a lot about simplifying things and getting back to the basics. So quickly we forget that things can be easier than what meets the eye. We tend to look at our circumstances through a complex lens. Sometimes, however, situations are not as complicated as they may seem. Have you been asking for, praying for, hoping for a change of some kind. Needing a breakthrough in your life to move forward. You may be closer than you think. My question is, have you stopped to listen? Have you taken the time to unplug, sit in a quiet comfortable place and listen to your own thoughts and your own heart. I have found that the majority of people facing challenges do not. There is a reason for that though. When we are looking for breakthrough in a situation, often times it means we must change something we are doing or take action of some kind. It may also mean letting go of something. It means CHANGE and change is hard. Humans are wired to take the easy road. We want things but we don’t really want to put in the effort to attain them. Our head knows something needs to give but our bodies are programed to act on autopilot. It is easier to turn on social media, watch TikTok, watch YouTube, and scroll Facebook to occupy the mind with what other people are doing rather than face our own life.  If you are struggling with something right now, I ask you, have you unplugged long enough to receive an answer?  The fact is, having some form of media going all the time to occupy your headspace could actually be holding you back from the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for. To gain clarity a person must make room for the information to come in and be processed. When was the last time you cleared 30 minutes to sit in silence? We need quiet time to A. teach our body a lesson that our mind is in control. And B. to make room for answers. If you make quiet time a priority for your wellbeing it will 100% change the quality of your life for the better. Quiet time removes brain stimulus and brings peace. If you are someone who has never practiced quiet time, 30 minutes may be too much to get started. I encourage you to at least try 5 minutes of quieting your environment, your body, and your mind. The more you practice it, the easier it will be to unplug from entertainment and social media and I’m willing to bet you will start to look forward to it. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. Matthew 6:6


One Choice at a Time


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