A Difficult Topic
Twice just this past week I had to comfort survivors of a suicide. This topic is extremely difficult to talk about because who really knows what to say? Well, I do have a few things to say on the topic because it has affected my own journey in life. I am not a survivor of a suicide but rather I was the one suicidal. I don’t want to get into all that in this blog other than to say that Jesus Christ prevented that attempt and because of that experience I can now help provide insight, comfort and support to those who lost a loved one in this way. Unfortunately, suicides are happening in our world more and more leaving behind family, friends, coworkers to feel lost, sad, angry, and perhaps even guilty. Comments like, “If I had only known…” and “If I would have…” are amount the most spoken words by survivors of suicide. What we must remember is that it’s natural to want to help others, however, we can’t take responsibility for their actions. There is only so much we can do, and it’s not always possible to recognize the signs or give helpful support as often we cannot tell if someone is contemplating suicide. An individual’s suicide is heavily rooted in mental illness, inner turmoil or other severe circumstances. Recognize that the best thing to do if you loss someone under any circumstance is to take care of yourself and take note of things around you which you are grateful for. Use the experience to become even closer to the ones you still have and cherish your time. Remember that the human scope of view can only go so far down here on earth but rest in the thought that our Heavenly Father has a different view that we can fully trust in. If you have lost someone, know that you are not alone. One thought that brings me the most comfort is, no matter how someone passes from this life into the next, it is not the end of their journey but rather a new beginning. “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Revelations 21:4