Create the Real Life You Truly want!

The other day I was watching a young boy play the video game Mind Craft. He was so enthusiastic as he explained to me the things he was creating to make his perfect little world just like he wanted it. As I sat there watching, it struck me. This is exactly want many grown adults are doing right now. Focusing time and energy into creating a world in their mind and then creating it online. As I continued to think this over, I realized that our society today has started to believe a lie that we can’t have the real life we want so we’ll just live a dream reality online. The fact is we have shifted focus from the real world to something that is easier where we can pretend. We have spent so much time in this online world that we believe the images shown to us online are reality. This in turn is creating an unrealistic thought of what life should be, therefore, we surrender the pursuit of the life we really want for ourselves and live through social media instead. We need to shift our focus back to the more simple way of life and start to engage in and create the actual life that we want. What I desire most in life is peace, joy, and love. As I browse around online I see these 3 things being quite scarce, however, when I look up from my screen I see true beauty in the outdoors and this makes me feel joy. I see the faces of the ones I love and I study their smiles and their eyes and this makes me feel secure, peaceful and loved. I feel the sun coming in the window as I sit and write or read and I feel peaceful. I have shifted my desires in life from wanting a lot of material possessions to enjoying the more basic things in life like fresh fruit and vegetables, being grateful for clean water and warm water to bathe. With simple things like these my heart is content, I no longer have extreme pressure and stress and I live with margin to enjoy each day as it comes. Now, I have just described the world I want, however, I realize, not everyone could be as content with such minimal things but therein lies the beauty of it all. You too have the mind power to create the lifestyle which brings you peace, joy, love and goodness. The Bible says, we are made in God’s image. God is the almighty creator of all things, therefore, we have the innate ability to create. Instead of focusing on the online world put your creative powers toward the real life you want. Take back your control and realize all your heart truly longes for is closer than you think. 


Peeling Back the Layers.


Finding Joy in Simplicity