You’re a Sponge

The other day I was talking to a friend about children and how they observe everything around them and then learn/grow so quickly. The phrase, “They sure are like little sponges!”, was said. They really are like sponges but so are we as adults. Even as adults we are designed to continue to grow and learn new things. As I thought on this fact, it dawned on me that whatever I am “sponging” my attitude tends to follow. In other words, if my surroundings are pleasant, happy, motivating, my mood and demeanor follows suit. Conversely, if my surroundings are negative, sad, upset, frustrated etc. my attitude will soon follow. Whenever I have wanted to make major improvements in my life, I had to inundate myself with information about what I wanted to improve on. For example, if I want to be more joyful, I must surround myself with joyful things. That means the people I’m around, the things I listen to, the things I watch on TV and read needed to be in line with joyful topics. Another example is being more positive. A person can’t soak up tons of negativity and squeeze out positivity. This “sponge” mindset has helped me improve in all areas in my life. Here is the really cool thing about it, as I am sponging and growing in my life, the people I am around are “sponging” off of me. I can either make a positive impact on them or a negative impact on them. I want the best things in life for my loved ones and, for that reason, I must stay focused on taking in the right stuff to give out the right stuff. This mindset is one that must be practiced daily. I can no doubt tell that when I slack on my focus toward what I am “sponging” I can easily get off track and start taking in trash that pollutes my efforts. Every day I make a conscious decision in the morning to absorb goodness. It is a choice. Rather than watch the news, I listen to a motivational speaker online on a topic that will educate me and make me better. We all “sponge” and it is 100% up to you as to what you decide to “sponge” on. If you are unhappy, take a look around and see what your surroundings are. I’m willing to bet your surroundings are a direct reflection of how you are feeling. The great news is you have the power to change it all. It really is as simple as choosing to read something helpful or motivating like, Spirituality and Health magazine rather than a gossip magazine like People magazine. A verse in the Bible that keeps me focused is Philippians 4:8 “…whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things”.


Mindset of Forward Motion


Rock On